They accredit our certificates for both Product and Management Quality, we also have CE marking certificates (for products completely manufactured in the European Community), as well as ATEX approval certificates (accreditation for our machinery to work in explosive environments), and we have described them below:

ISO 9001:2015

Mapner's Quality Management system whose scope is "Design and Manufacture of Blowers/Depressors and Compressors/Vacuum Pumps, based on the rotary technologies of Rotary Pistons, Side Channel and Rotary Vane Pumps". For this purpose, it has been approved by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance, in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 Standards.


All of our machines and equipment complies with the Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery, and their design and construction have involved the application of the European Standards outlined in our EC Declaration of Compliance Book available with each machine.

(ATEX) 94/9/CE

Mapner produces and supplies ATEX equipment in compliance with the “Directive on the Protection Equipment and Systems for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX) 94/9/EC” quality certificates.

ISO 14001:2015

Certificate of registration in the carbon footprint registry of the Miteco of the Government of Spain

Advanced management diploma certified by Euskalit and recognized by the Basque Government

Training program for sustainable suppliers granted by the UN Global Compact organization

EMAS Registration ES-EU-000148

Environmental declaration of Maquinas Pneumáticas Rotativas XXI, SLU year 2023

EMAS verifier statement

European EMAS Registry

-> European EMAS Registry <-